An Inclusive Vatican II Eucharistic Community in Toledo, Ohio.
All are welcome.
The Holy Spirit Catholic Community is an inclusive lay-administered intentional community formed in the tradition of Vatican II. Christ-centered through the Word and the Eucharist, we are challenged to love and respect all of God’s creation and to live out Christ’s teachings with guidance from the Holy Spirit. Following the way and teachings of Jesus, Holy Spirit welcomes all people of every religion, age, ability, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and income level.
Weekly Mass
Together, the Holy Spirit Catholic Community prepares and shares in a Eucharistic service. Weekly masses are held on Saturdays at 4:30 PM at Washington Church (3925 W. Central Ave., Toledo, OH).
Our Community
When Jesus said, “love your neighbo(u)r,” we think he meant it. As a community, Holy Spirit works together to serve our region through financial contributions, volunteerism, and activism. Join us on our quest to love our neighbors just as they are.
Better Together
We’re better together. Learn more about how you can join a community of individuals committed to living lives centered on Christ’s call to be compassionate, caring, and loving people. Stay tuned for upcoming events with HSCC.